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All about veins

Writer's picture: Vascular Surgery LondonVascular Surgery London

Thread veins Thread veins, which can also be referred to as spider veins or dermal veins, are a common condition that occur in around half of all adults. They are very fine dilated veins that lie on the surface of the skin. Thread veins occur when normal veins grow too big. They will most commonly be found near the ankle, inside of the knee or the outside of the thigh, or they can occur at the site of a minor injury. It is very common that thread veins will run in a family, however this is not always the case. Symptoms usually cause itching or minor aching or none at all. Thread veins can often be found with varicose vei

ns, which will also need to be treated to get rid of any symptoms.

Reticular veins Reticular veins are small blue or green veins that can appear on the legs or face. These are smaller than varicose veins however bigger than thread veins, and do not appear as raised or twisted as a varicose vein. They are often caused by a weakened or damaged valve in a vein. This condition can often be associated with tenderness, burning or itchiness at the site of the vein.

Varicose veins Varicose veins are large dilated veins that become visible underneath the skin, and can often bulge out above the skin. They are often blue or purple, and can occur in various different areas around the body, such as legs, thighs, ankles and feet. Similar to thread veins and reticular veins, these are caused by a build-up of blood that occurs due to insufficient flow of blood around the body. This creates

pressure and inflammation around the vein and can therefore lead to symptoms such as aching, pain, cramping and burning.

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